ONTAP NFS Administration (NFSAD)


Quem deve participar

Professionals who implement NFS solutions who use NetApp storage systems

Pré- requisitos

Objetivos do Curso

Cluster Administration course. This course reviews NFS and explores in more detail different NFS versions and the features of ONTAP 9 software that support the NFS protocol. The exercises are accomplished using ONTAP 9 software.

This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:

  • Define and describe NFS protocol versions
  • Configure clustered ONTAP 9 for NFSv3,NFSv4,and NFSv4.1 with parallel NFS (pNFS)
  • Configure Kerberos in a Linux and NetApp ONTAP 9 environment using Windows Active Directory authentication
  • Discuss performance management and troubleshooting for Netapp storage systems and clients

Conteúdo do curso

Module 1: NFS Overview

  • Define NFS Protocol
  • List and differentiate between the versions of NFS
  • Discuss how ONTAP support NFS deployments

  Module 2: NFS v3

  • Describe NFS v3
  • Configure NFSv3 on Data ONTAP
  • Describe how security works in NFS v3

  Module 3: NFS v4

  • Describe NFS v4
  • Configure NFSv4 on Data ONTAP
  • Describe how security works in NFS v4

Module 4: NFS v4.1

  • Describe NFS v4.1
  • Configure NFS v4.1 on ONTAP 9

Module 5: NFS Monitoring and Troubleshooting

  • Discuss performance monitoring techniques for storage and clients
  • Describe basic NFS troubleshooting
  • List locations of Export Rule Evaluation Errors

Preços & Delivery methods

Treinamento online

1 dia

  • Solicitar orçamento
Classroom training

1 dia

  • Solicitar orçamento

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Agenda

Instructor-led Online Training:   Este é um curso Instructor-Led Online. If you have any questions about our online courses, feel free to contact us via phone or Email anytime.
This is a FLEX course, which is delivered both virtually and in the classroom.


Este é um curso FLEX. Frankfurt Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Inscrever


Este é um curso FLEX. Budapest Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Inscrever

Reino Unido

Treinamento online Fuso horário: British Summer Time (BST) 2 dias Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: British Summer Time (BST) Inscrever

Republica Checa

Este é um curso FLEX. Prague Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Inscrever


Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Inscrever
Este é um curso FLEX. Zürich Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Inscrever
Este é um curso FLEX. Zürich Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Inscrever


Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Inscrever