Course Overview
MetroCluster software is a unique high-availability and disaster-recovery solution. In this course, you learn how to cable and set up a MetroCluster environment. Using active, participatory exercises, you practice the configuration and verification steps. You also learn how to identify component failures and practice recovery steps.
Quem deve participar
- NetApp Employees
- Partner Professional Service Implementation Engineers
Pré- requisitos
The following courses and/or knowledge and skills are recommended prior to taking this course.
- MetroCluster Completion of ONTAP PS Professional Compliance Program or an equivalent program
- ONTAP Cluster Installation Workshop
- MetroCluster in ONTAP Overview for Support Partners
- MetroCluster Ecosystem Troubleshooting for Partners
Objetivos do Curso
This course focuses on enabling you to do the following:
- Describe the major architectural components of a MetroCluster environment
- Cable nodes and back-end IP switches
- Set up back-end IP switches
- Configure the clusters at both local and remote in a MetroCluster environment
- Set up a MetroCluster configuration and serve data to clients
- Detect and recover from failures in a MetroCluster environment
- Install and configure TieBreaker Manager software