Cyber Security
Training & Services

Cyber Security is essential for the success of each company!

The amount of cyber attacks is increasing every second and the damage they cause is getting bigger and more devastating every single time. Even now, while you are reading this text another organization or critical infrastructure such as electricity, water etc. is under attack. Today’s IT systems are scaled, multilayered and complex. They are either on-premise, in the cloud or deployed in hybrid environments with a large attack surface, thus hard to defend. Cyber Security experts are hard to find and it’s equally hard to find and select suitable education products. There are many ways to look at the different areas of cyber security, we decided to structure our large education and service portfolio along the traditional attack versus defense framework.

Feel free to get in contact if you have any questions. You can call us on + 55 (11) 3468-0067 | Contact us

Blue Team –
Defensive Security

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Red Team –
Offensive Security

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Industrial Control

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Risk &

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End User
Security Awareness

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Training Programs
by Vendor

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