IBM Storage Scale Basic Administration for Linux and AIX (H005G)


Who should attend

This lecture and exercise-based course is for individuals who want to understand how to install, configure, and manage an IBM Spectrum Scale storage cluster.



The student is expected to have a good understanding of UNIX/Linux, SAN, and Storage concepts.

Course Objectives

This course teaches IBM Spectrum Scale version 4.2. The course is intended for IT professionals tasked with administering an IBM Spectrum Scale system on Linux and AIX environments. This course includes information on installing, configuring, and monitoring an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. Many features are described and tested on lab activities including: Storage management, High availability options, cluster management, and information lifecycle management (ILM) tools.

Note: Although the lab is created to run on Linux, because the Spectrum Scale differences running on an AIX environment are minor, the skills intended to be acquired during the course include both Linux and AIX.

Course Content

This course is intended for IT professionals tasked with administering an IBM Spectrum Scale storage cluster in environments running Linux and AIX nodes. The course includes information on installing, configuring, and monitoring an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. Many Spectrum Scale features are described in lecture materials and then implemented in lab exercises. These features include: Storage management, high availability options, cluster management, and information lifecycle management (ILM) tools.

Note: Although the lab environment is running the Linux operating system, the differences in Spectrum Scale compared with an AIX environment are minor. Therefore, the skills acquired during the course can be applied in both Linux and AIX environments.


Preços & Delivery methods

Treinamento online

3 dias

  • Solicitar orçamento
Classroom training

3 dias

  • Solicitar orçamento

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Agenda

Guaranteed date:   We will carry out all guaranteed training regardless of the number of attendees, exempt from force majeure or other unexpected events, like e.g. accidents or illness of the trainer, which prevent the course from being conducted.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Este é um curso Instructor-Led Online


garantido! Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Time (CET) Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Time (CET) Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever
Munich Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Time (CET) Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever
Leinfelden-Echterdingen Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Central European Summer Time (CEST) Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever