IBM System z Hardware Management Console (HMC) Operations (ES24G)


Quem deve participar

This intermediate course is for operations personnel and technical staff who are directly involved in the installation, operation, systems support, and software support of their System z mainframe environment.

Pré- requisitos

You should have an understanding of:

  • Basic data processing and I/O concepts and terminology
  • z/OS console operation, including display of device, job, and console status

Conteúdo do curso

This course teaches you navigation, operation, and recovery techniques for the Hardware Management Console (HMC) in the System z environment. Through lecture and hands-on exercises, you learn setup and operating procedures for the HMC, gain in-depth problem determination skills, practice HMC operations, and utilize recovery capabilities provided by the System z servers.

Preços & Delivery methods

Treinamento online

2 dias

  • Solicitar orçamento
Classroom training

2 dias

  • Solicitar orçamento

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Instructor-led Online Training:   Este é um curso Instructor-Led Online


Treinamento online Fuso horário: Europe/Berlin Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever
Treinamento online Fuso horário: Europe/Berlin Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever


Treinamento online Fuso horário: Europe/Paris Este curso está sendo entregue por um parceiro Inscrever