Quién debería asistir
Entry level storage technicians.
Objetivos del curso
This course gives an overview of the design and concepts of storage technology as well as covering vendor specific features and protocols.
Contenido del curso
- Direct Attached Storage
- Network Attached Storage
- Storage Area Networks
- Difference DAS <-> NAS <-> SAN
- Combinations NAS and SAN
- Differentiation Blocklevel and Filelevel
- Unified Storage
- Storage Appliances and Storage Gateways
- Market overview NAS and SAN
- Market and perspectives
- Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
- SCSI Commands and Versions
- Fiber Channel Protocol (FCP)
- Fiber Channel Packet design
- SCSI via IP (iSCSI)
- TCP/IP encapsulated SCSI
- FCIP, iFCP, Ficon
- Fiber versus Copper
- Hosts, Host Bus Adapters
- HBA’s for FCP and iSCSI
- Typical Host-Applications in the SAN
- Storage Appliances
- Storage Gateways
- Storage Virtualization
- Tapes and Libraries
- Backup-Strategies
- Fiber Channel Switches
- Fiber Channel Topologies
- Fiber Channel Fabric
NAS and SAN Features
- Replication and Mirror
- Data Protection
- High Availability
- Disaster Recovery
- Snapshots and Clones
- Central SAN Management
- Scalability and flexibility
- Storage Consolidation
- Diskless Server – Boot over IP/FC
- LAN-Free Backup with NDMP
Design and Implementation
- Application analysis
- Evaluation of Storage demand
- Topology design
- Storage Resources Design
- Fiber Channel Zoning
- iSCSI SAN Design
Storage Market Overview
- Storage Appliance Vendors
- Storage virtualization Hard- and Software
- Fiber Channel Switch vendors
- Best practices
- Vendor solutions