Quién debería asistir
The primary audiences for this course are the following:
- Network engineers with the desire to learn about software defined networking; and
- Engineers who are interested in hands-on experience with Juniper Contrail.
JSDNF is an introductory-level course.
The following are the prerequisites for this course:
- Fundamental understanding of network design; and
- An understanding of network protocols such as BGP, OSPF, and STP.
Objetivos del curso
After successfully completing this course, you should be able to:
- Understand the need for SDN and which problems it can help solve.
- Discuss SDN and its different implementations.
- Identify the different areas where SDN can be utilized.
- Describe the OpenFlow protocol.
- Discuss different real-world implementations of SDN.
- Describe a Contrail use case.