Introduction to Machine Learning Models Using IBM SPSS Modeler (V18.2) (0A079G)


Who should attend

  • Data scientists
  • Business analysts
  • Clients who want to learn about machine learning models


  • Knowledge of your business requirements

Course Content

This course provides an introduction to supervised models, unsupervised models, and association models. This is an application-oriented course and examples include predicting whether customers cancel their subscription, predicting property values, segment customers based on usage, and market basket analysis.

Precios & Delivery methods

Entrenamiento en línea

2 días

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad
Classroom training

2 días

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad

Presionar el boton sobre el nombre de la ciudad o "Entrenamiento en línea" para reservar Calendario

Instructor-led Online Training:   Este es un curso en línea Guiado por un Instructor. If you have any questions about our online courses, feel free to contact us via phone or Email anytime.


Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Este curso será presentado por un socio Inscripción