AI Strategy Training (AI-STRAT)


Resumen del Curso

Formulate and implement your AI strategy: You will learn how to master the AI transformation with a comprehensive AI strategy. Our team will walk you through the relevant elements of an AI strategy. By the end of the workshop, you will be better equipped to navigate your organization in its AI transformation, setting the scene to realize AI’s potential and solve the challenges of AI adoption.

Quién debería asistir

This training is tailored for everyone who aims to formulate and implement an AI strategy or is responsible for the AI transformation of the company or one of its departments.

Objetivos del curso

Upon completing the training, we expect participants to know what is essential in leading or supporting their company's AI transformation and not overlook relevant issues. In particular, upon completion, learners should:

  • Have recalled AI’s conceptual and technological basics
  • Be able to situate AI’s business implications
  • Have internalized the elements of a comprehensive AI strategy and be able to apply this conceptualization to your organizational context
  • Be able to take the first steps to approach the respective AI strategy elements
Benefits for Participants

This training can be your kickstart to becoming an initiator or shaper of your company’s AI transformation. Understand the strategic business implications of AI and why you can't approach AI adoption like any other technology. Get an overview of the AI strategy elements and take the fast track to the relevant aspects of AI strategy formulation and implementation.

Benefits for Companies

Upskill your employees to lead or support your company’s AI transformation more efficiently and effectively. Raise awareness of the important strategic issues in the AI transformation and empower them to take ownership in implementing the AI strategy.

Contenido del curso

Intro to AI
  • Defining AI and ML
  • How machines learn
From Technology to Strategy
  • Application of AI in businesses
  • The AI maturity journey
  • Industry examples
Fundamentals of an AI Strategy
  • Holistic Approach to AI Strategy
  • The AI Strategy House Framework
Deep Dive into AI Strategy
  • AI Ambition
  • AI Use Case Management
  • Enabling Factors
  • Execution

Precios & Delivery methods

Entrenamiento en línea

1 día

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad
Classroom training

1 día

  • Consulta precio y disponibilidad

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Instructor-led Online Training:   Este es un curso en línea Guiado por un Instructor
Este es un curso FLEX, que es entregado tanto virtualmente como en el salón de clase.


Frankfurt Inscripción


Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Inscripción


Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Inscripción


Curso FLEX Zurich Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Inscripción
Curso FLEX Zurich Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Inscripción
Curso FLEX Zurich Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Inscripción
Curso FLEX Zurich Inscripción
Entrenamiento en línea Zona Horaria: Hora central europea de verano Inscripción