Outline detalhado do curso
1. An overview of Python
What is python? Python Timeline Advantages/Disadvantages of Python Getting help with pydoc 2. The Python Environment
Starting Python Using the interpreter Running a Python script Python scripts on Unix/Windows Editors and IDEs 3. Getting Started
Using variables Builtin functions Strings Numbers Converting among types Writing to the screen Command line parameters 4. Flow Control
About flow control White space Conditional expressions Relational and Boolean operators While loops Alternate loop exits 5. Array types
About array types (AKA sequences) Lists and list methods Tuples Indexing and slicing Iterating through a sequence Nested sequences Sequence functions, keywords, and operators List comprehensions Generator Expressions 6. Working with files
File overview Opening a text file Reading a text file Writing to a text file 7. Dictionaries and Sets
About dictionaries Creating dictionaries Iterating through a dictionary About sets Creating sets Working with sets 8. Functions
Defining functions Returning values Parameters Global and local scope 9. Sorting
The sorted() function Alternate keys Lambda functions Sorting collections Using operator.itemgetter() Reverse sorting Time-Permitting
10. Errors and Exception Handling
Syntax errors Exceptions Using try/catch Handling multiple exceptions Ignoring exceptions 11. Modules and Packages
The import statement Module search path Creating Modules Using packages Function and Module aliases 12. Working with Classes & OO Programming
About o-o programming Defining classes Constructors Methods Instance data Properties Class methods and data