AI+ UX Designer (AIUXD) – Outline

Outline detalhado do curso

Module 1: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Design

  • 1.1 Introduction to AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
  • 1.2 AI’s Impact on Design
  • 1.3 Ethical Design and AI

Module 2: AI Tools and Technologies for Designers

  • 2.1 Overview of AI Tools for Designers
  • 2.2 Generative AI for Design
  • 2.3 Integrating AI Tools

Module 3: AI-Assisted Content Creation and Strategy

  • 3.1 AI in Content Strategy
  • 3.2 Generative AI for Content
  • 3.3 Implementing AI in Content Workflows

Module 4: Leveraging AI for User Research and Data Analysis

  • 4.1 Automating UX Research with AI
  • 4.2 Data Analysis with AI
  • 4.3 . Ethics in AI-Powered Research

Module 5: AI in Visual Design and Prototyping

  • 5.1. AI for Visual Creativity
  • 5.2. Prototyping with AI
  • 5.3. Case Studies

Module 6: Enhancing UX with AI: Personalization and Adaptation

  • 6.1 Personalized User Experiences with AI
  • 6.2 Implementing AI for Personalization
  • 6.3 Challenges and Solutions

Module 7: Future Trends: AI and Emerging Technologies in UX/UI Design

  • 7.1. Emerging AI Technologies
  • 7.2. Preparing for the Future
  • 7.3. Ethical and Societal Implications

Module 8: Implementing AI in Your Design Process

  • 8.1. Strategic Integration of AI
  • 8.2. Overcoming Barriers to AI Adoption
  • 8.3. Continuous Improvement