AI+ Sales (AIS) – Outline

Outline detalhado do curso

Module 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Sales

  • 1.1 Fundamentals of AI
  • 1.2 Historical Journey and Evolution of AI in Sales
  • 1.3 AI Tools & Technologies Transforming Sales
  • 1.4 Benefits and Challenges in Adoption of AI in Sales
  • 1.5 Real-world Examples and Applications of AI in Sales
  • 1.6 Future of AI in Sales

Module 2: Understanding Data in Sales

  • 2.1 Categories of Sales Data
  • 2.2 Techniques for Effective Data Collection
  • 2.3 Basics of Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • 2.4 Data Management Methods
  • 2.5 Data Protection Principles
  • 2.6 Data Integration in CRM Systems
  • 2.7 Overview of Analytical Tools
  • 2.8 Ethical Use of Sales Data
  • 2.9 Case Studies: Real-World Data Applications

Module 3: AI Technologies for Sales

  • 3.1 Introduction to Machine Learning in Sales
  • 3.2 Predictive Analytics: Forecasting Sales Trends
  • 3.3 NLP: Enhancing Customer Interactions
  • 3.4 Chatbots: Automating Customer Service
  • 3.5 Segmentation: Tailoring Customer Experiences
  • 3.6 Personalization: Customizing Sales Approaches
  • 3.7 Recommendation Engines: Driving Product Suggestions
  • 3.8 Sales Automation: Streamlining Sales Processes
  • 3.9 Performance Analysis: Measuring Sales Effectiveness

Module 4: Implementation of AI in CRM Systems

  • 4.1 Foundation of CRM Systems
  • 4.2 AI Integration into CRM Systems
  • 4.3 Lead Scoring
  • 4.4 Customer Insights
  • 4.5 Sales Automation
  • 4.6 Personalized Communication
  • 4.7 Chatbots in CRM
  • 4.8 Gaining Actionable Insights from Data
  • 4.9 Case Studies

Module 5: Sales Forecasting with AI

  • 5.1 Introduction to Sales Forecasting
  • 5.2 Overview of Predictive Models in Forecasting
  • 5.3 Data Preparation for Analysis
  • 5.4 Identifying Sales Patterns and Trends
  • 5.5 Enhancing Forecast Reliability
  • 5.6 Key Forecasting AI Tools in AI
  • 5.7 Utilizing Real-time Data for Forecasts
  • 5.8 Developing Forecasts for Different Outcomes
  • 5.9 Measuring the Success of Sales Forecasts

Module 6: Enhancing Sales Processes with AI

  • 6.1 Task Automation
  • 6.2 AI-driven Email Marketing
  • 6.3 Social Media with AI Analytics
  • 6.4 AI-powered Lead Generation
  • 6.5 Customer Segmentation
  • 6.6 Optimizing Sales Visits and Calls
  • 6.7 Tailoring Content with AI Insights
  • 6.8 Real-time Sales Activity Monitoring
  • 6.9 Upselling and Cross-selling with AI

Module 7: Ethical Considerations and Bias AI

  • 7.1 Ethical Use of AI in Sales
  • 7.2 Bias Identification in AI Systems
  • 7.3 Bias Mitigation
  • 7.4 Transparency in AI Decision-Making
  • 7.5 Accountability for AI Actions
  • 7.6 Safeguarding Customer Data
  • 7.7 Regulatory Compliance
  • 7.8 Building Customer Trust through Ethical AI
  • 7.9 Anticipating Ethical Issues in AI Advancements

Module 8: Practical Workshop

  • 8.1 Scenario-Based Exercises
  • 8.2 Addressing Sales Challenges with AI
  • 8.3 Collaborative AI Implementation Plans