AI+ Everyone (AIEV) – Outline

Outline detalhado do curso

Module 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • 1.1 What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • 1.2 A Brief History of AI
  • 1.3 Demystifying AI: Myths vs. Reality
  • 1.4 The Significance of AI in Everyday Life

Module 2: AI Technologies

  • 2.1 Machine Learning: Basics and Beyond
  • 2.2 Deep Learning and Neural Networks
  • 2.3 AI Technologies in Action: Simplified Examples
  • 2.4 Interactive Workshop: Exploring AI

Module 3: AI in Action: Applications and Case Studies

  • 3.1 Introduction to AI Applications
  • 3.2 Case Study 1: Smart Speakers
  • 3.3 Case Study 2: Self-Driving Cars
  • 3.4 Case Study 3: Healthcare Applications

Module 4: The Workflow of AI Projects

  • 4.1 Introduction to AI Project Workflow
  • 4.2 Problem Definition and Data Preparation
  • 4.3 Model Selection, Training, and Validation
  • 4.4 Deployment and Integration
  • 4.5 Evaluation and Iteration

Module 5: Ethics and Social Implications of AI

  • 5.1 Introduction to AI Ethics and Social Implications
  • 5.2 Bias and Fairness in AI
  • 5.3 Privacy and Security in the Age of AI
  • 5.4 Responsible AI Development
  • 5.5 AI and Society: Looking Ahead

Module 6: Generative AI and Creativity

  • 6.1 Introduction to Generative AI
  • 6.2 Applications of Generative AI in Creativity
  • 6.3 Ethical Considerations in Generative AI
  • 6.4 Exploring the Future of Creativity with AI

Module 7: Preparing for An AI-Driven Future

  • 7.1 The Future Landscape of AI
  • 7.2 AI and the Transformation of Work
  • 7.3 Lifelong Learning in an AI World
  • 7.4 Staying Relevant in an AI-Driven World
  • 7.5 Interactive Discussion: Preparing for the Future with AI

Module 8: Starting with AI: First Steps and Resources

  • 8.1 Introduction to Starting with AI
  • 8.2 Choosing AI Projects
  • 8.3 Forming AI Teams
  • 8.4 Resources for Learning and Development in AI