AI+ Educator (AIED) – Outline

Outline detalhado do curso

Module 1: Foundation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education

  • 1.1 Fundamentals of AI
  • 1.2 AI in Education Today
  • 1.3 Impact and Future Prospects of AI

Module 2: AI in Classroom Teaching and Learning

  • 2.1 AI-Driven Personalized Learning
  • 2.2 AI Tools for Engagement
  • 2.3 Implementing AI Strategies

Module 3: Ethical, Bias, and Sustainability Issues in AI

  • 3.1 AI Ethics in Education
  • 3.2 Addressing AI Bias
  • 3.3 AI and Environmental Sustainability

Module 4: AI and Curriculum Integration

  • 4.1 Curriculum Planning with AI
  • 4.2 Interactive AI Modules
  • 4.3 AI in Student Assessment

Module 5: AI for Administrative Efficiency

  • 5.1 Streamlining Operations
  • 5.2 AI for Student Services
  • 5.3 Data Management and Analysis

Module 6: Data Literacy and AI

  • 6.1 Fundamentals of Data Literacy
  • 6.2 Data Analysis in Education
  • 6.3 Data-Driven Decision Making

Module 7: AI-Enhanced Assessment and Feedback

  • 7.1 Revolutionizing Assessments
  • 7.2 Automated Grading Systems
  • 7.3 Personalized Learning Paths

Module 8: AI Tools and Hands-on Experience

  • 8.1 Exploring AI Tools
  • 8.2 Practical Exercises
  • 8.3 Evaluating AI Tool Effectiveness