(ISC)2 Voucher Program
Save Money and Manage Your Training Budget with Ease
The Fast Lane Training Packages allows organizations to purchase seats for ISC2 CBK® Training Seminars and examinations in bulk quantity at a significantly lower cost. In fact, the more vouchers you purchase, the deeper the discounts for our training programs. And, these vouchers can be purchased well in advance of using them. They’re transferable to anybody within your organization, so you can use them when you need them, for whomever you specify.
Fast Lane Training Packages are valid in LATAM. A voucher recipient can use the voucher for any LATAM public schedule event.
Advantages of the Fast Lane Training Packages
- Vouchers are good for significant discounts off standard prices of training.
- One purchase significantly reduces delays, paperwork, and cost by giving the manager control over the dissemination of vouchers.
- Vouchers are good for one year so candidates have the time to select a training seminar based on schedule and convenience.
- Closed/private training and certification events can be provided by grouping vouchers.
- Since vouchers are identified by numbers, they’re transferable within an organization. If a potential candidate no longer pursues certification, the voucher can be reassigned to someone else.
Cualquier duda o para inscribirse en un curso o para informaciones en cursos privados, entre en contacto con nosotros por e-mail: info@flane.com.pa