Preparing for the Associate Cloud Engineer Examination (PPACE)


Course Overview

This course uses lectures, demos, and hands-on labs to help you prepare for Google Cloud's Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam. You'll learn about the structure, format, and domain of the exam so that you can create your study plan, along with how this certification relates to other Google Cloud certifications.

Who should attend

This class is intended for the following: Individuals preparing for the Associate Cloud Engineer examination.


Familiarity with:

  • Google Cloud Platform.
  • the Linux command line.
  • web servers
  • text editors.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the purpose and intent of the Associate Cloud Engineer certification and its relationship to other Google Cloud certifications.
  • Understand how the Associate Cloud Engineer certification is administered.
  • Understand the structure of the Associate Cloud Engineer exam guide.
  • Decide whether they are ready to attempt the Associate Cloud Engineer exam.
  • Devise a preparation strategy for attempting the Associate Cloud Engineer exam.

Follow On Courses

Course Content

The course includes presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on labs.

Module 1: Understanding the Associate Cloud Engineer Certification
  • Understand why Google Cloud Certification is a good career move.
  • Learn how to design a personalized study strategy.
  • Understand how to know when to test.
  • Understand how to register for and take the exam.
Module 2: Review and Preparation Tips: Setting up a Cloud Solution Environment
  • Understand the contents of Exam Guide Section 1.
  • Gain some knowledge of the content in Exam Guide Section 1.
Module 3: Review and Preparation Tips: Planning and Configuring a Cloud Solution
  • Understand the contents of Exam Guide Section 2.
  • Gain some knowledge of the content in Exam Guide Section 2.
Module 4: Review and Preparation Tips: Deploying and Implementing a Cloud Solution
  • Understand the contents of Exam Guide Section 3.
  • Gain some knowledge of the content in Exam Guide Section 3.
Module 5: Review and Preparation Tips: Ensuring Successful Operation of a Cloud Solution
  • Understand the contents of Exam Guide Section 4.
  • Gain some knowledge of the content in Exam Guide Section 4.
Module 6: Review and Preparation Tips: Configuring Access and Security
  • Understand the contents of Exam Guide Section 5.
  • Gain some knowledge of the content in Exam Guide Section 5.

Prices & Delivery methods

Online Training

1 day

  • on request
Classroom Training

1 day

  • on request

Click on town name or "Online Training" to book Schedule

Instructor-led Online Training:   This is an Instructor-Led Online (ILO) course. These sessions are conducted via WebEx in a VoIP environment and require an Internet Connection and headset with microphone connected to your computer or laptop.

Costa Rica

Online Training Time zone: America/Costa_Rica Enroll
Online Training Time zone: America/Costa_Rica Enroll