AI+ Data (AIDATA) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Module 1: Foundations of Data Science

  • 1.1 Introduction to Data Science
  • 1.2 Data Science Life Cycle
  • 1.3 Applications of Data Science

Module 2: Foundations of Statistics

  • 2.1 Basic Concepts of Statistics
  • 2.2 Probability Theory
  • 2.3 Statistical Inference

Module 3: Data Sources and Types

  • 3.1 Types of Data
  • 3.2 Data Sources
  • 3.3 Data Storage Technologies

Module 4: Programming Skills for Data Science

  • 4.1 Introduction to Python for Data Science
  • 4.2 Introduction to R for Data Science

Module 5: Data Wrangling an Preprocessing

  • 5.1 Data Imputation Techniques
  • 5.2 Handling Outliers and Data Transformation

Module 6: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • 6.1 Introduction to EDA
  • 6.2 Data Visualization

Module 7: Generative AI Tools for Deriving Insights

  • 7.1 Introduction to Generative AI Tools
  • 7.2 Applications of Generative AI

Module 8: Machine Learning

  • 8.1 Introduction to Supervised Learning Algorithms
  • 8.2 Introduction to Unsupervised Learning
  • 8.3 Different Algorithms for Clustering
  • 8.4 Association Rule Learning with Implementation

Module 9: Advance Machine Learning

  • 9.1 Ensemble Learning Techniques
  • 9.2 Dimensionality Reduction
  • 9.3 Advanced Optimization Techniques

Module 10: Data-Driven Decision-Making

  • 10.1 Introduction to Data-Driven Decision Making
  • 10.2 Open Source Tools for Data-Driven Decision Making
  • 10.3 Deriving Data-Driven Insights from Sales Dataset

Module 11: Data Storytelling

  • 11.1 Understanding the Power of Data Storytelling
  • 11.2 Identifying Use Cases and Business Relevance
  • 11.3 Crafting Compelling Narratives
  • 11.4 Visualizing Data for Impact

Module 12: Capstone Project - Employee Attrition Prediction

  • 12.1 Project Introduction and Problem Statement
  • 12.2 Data Collection and Preparation
  • 12.3 Data Analysis and Modeling
  • 12.4 Data Storytelling and Presentation