As an authorized training partner, we will get you ready to rise to the challenges of planning and making the most of future-focused cloud solutions. We are uniquely positioned to help you gain the cross‐vendor knowledge and skills you desire. We’ve combined the best sales and technical information and added the key information developed by our outstanding team of Certified Instructors from around the globe to create a powerful curriculum to help you sell, prepare for and deploy the most important cloud] The increasing rate of change brought on by digitization require solution providers to make the learning process efficient and engaging in order to maximize results. Learning needs to be “baked in” and treated as integral to the workforce experience and deemed as a “core competency” as learning move well beyond the classroom. Studies confirm that the most important learning happens outside of the classroom, through on the job training (OJT) and through collaboration with peers (social learning).

Our Cloud Training & Coaching Services


This service consists of one or more on-site design and deployment workshops including related knowledge transfer and additional mentoring once the workshops have been completed. The purpose of these workshops is to help you deploy solutions with expert assistance in a controlled (mentored) environment thus optimizing your investment in technology, time to deploy and effectiveness of the implementation.


This workshop delivers proposed architectures and solutions aligned with previously identified ideas and desired business outcomes. By employing a business canvas model approach, this workshop allows Fast Lane to model use cases based on your specific business needs and to create rapid prototyping proposal for one or more solutions meeting your requirements.


This service includes problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes. Troubleshooting is needed to identify the symptoms. Determining the most likely cause is a process of elimination—eliminating potential causes of a problem. Finally, troubleshooting requires confirmation that the solution restores the product or process to its working state.

Our Cloud Training Portfolio

Click here to see the full list of Cloud Courses!

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