Accelerating Data Engineering Pipelines (ADEP)


Resumen del Curso

Explore how to employ advanced data engineering tools and techniques with GPUs to significantly improve data engineering pipelines.


  • Intermediate knowledge of Python (list comprehension, objects)
  • Familiarity with pandas a plus
  • Introductory statistics (mean, median, mode)

Objetivos del curso

  • How data moves within a computer. How to build the right balance between CPU, DRAM, Disk Memory, and GPUs.
  • How different file formats can be read and manipulated by hardware.
  • How to scale an ETL pipeline with multiple GPUs using NVTabular.
  • How to build an interactive Plotly dashboard where users can filter on millions of data points in less than a second.

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Entrenamiento en línea

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Classroom training

1 día

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