Who should attend
Anyone responsible for maintaining, installing or migrating DB2 10 for z/OS to DB2 11 for z/OS, or installing DB2 11 for z/OS.
The following prerequisites are suggested:
- The basic concepts and facilities of DB2
- The basic concepts of Structured Query Language (SQL)
- z/OS Time Sharing Option (TSO) and the z/OS interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)
- Course CV832 Database Administration Part I or equivalent Work experience in a z/OS environment
- Course CV852 System Administration or equivalent
- Work experience in a z/OS environment
- Defining and allocating z/OS data sets using z/OS job control language (JCL) or equivalent experience.
Course Content
This course is for installers of DB2 10 z/OS and/or migration to DB2 11 for z/OS using the Install CLIST. The participants are involved in lectures that explain DB2 11 components and pointers, and the processes used to install or migrate from DB2 10 for z/OS. To reinforce the lectures, a series of labs are provided to give each participant hands-on experience installing DB2 10 for z/OS and migrating to DB2 11 for z/OS.
Students access a mainframe environment for the labs.