Esquema Detallado del Curso
Module 1 - The Looker Platform
- What is Looker?
- Looker user interface
- Organizing content with folders
- Define the value proposition of the Looker platform.
- Explain Looker’s role in the data analysis process.
- Describe Looker's main user interface components.
- Interpret Looker’s hierarchical folder structure for content.
- Discuss different content locations within the Looker platform.
- 1 quiz
Module 2 - Data Analysis Building Blocks
- Dimensions in Looker
- Measures in Looker
- Using dimensions and measures
- Filtering dimensions
- Filtering measures
- Define the purpose of a dimension and measure in Looker.
- Identify where end users work with dimensions, measures, and filters.
- Explain how dimensions, measures, and filters contribute to the larger data analysis process in Looker.
- Identify what asset a dimension corresponds to in your database.
- Identify what SQL functions a measure can correspond to.
- Explain how to filter by a dimension.
- 3 demos, 1 lab, 1 quiz
Module 3 - Working with Looker Content
- Filtering Looks
- Introducing dashboards
- Filtering dashboards
- Curating Looker content in boards
- Explain how to filter within a Look and a dashboard.
- Identify where users can work with dashboards and boards, and filter within Looks and dashboards.
- Explain how dashboards, boards, and filtering can contribute to the data analysis process.
- Define the purpose of a dashboard.
- Explain what a board is in Looker.
- Detail the process of creating a board.
- Detail the process for pinning Looks and dashboards to a board.
- 1 demo, 1 quiz
Module 4 - Customizing Explores
- Pivoting data in Looker
- Introduction to table calculations
- Types of table calculations
- Writing table calculations
- Introducing offset functions
- Writing offset calculations
- Explain the process of pivoting data.
- Identify where users can pivot data, write table calculations, and write offset calculations.
- Identify situations to consider pivoting data and writing a new table calculation.
- Explain how pivoting data, writing table calculations, and writing offset calculations can contribute to the data analysis process.
- Differentiate between a table calculation and an offset calculation.
- Discuss the various types of table calculations.
- Detail the process to write table calculations and offset calculations.
- 4 demos, 1 lab, 1 quiz
Module 5 - Creating New Looker Content
- Creating new Looks
- Creating new dashboards
- Explain how to create a new Look and dashboard in Looker.
- Identify where users can create new Looks and dashboards.
- 1 quiz
Module 6 - Sharing Looker Data with Others
- Sharing and scheduling Looks
- Sharing and scheduling dashboards
- Tile-level dashboard alerts
- List the options to share Looks and dashboards once or with a regular schedule.
- Identify where users can send or schedule Looks and dashboards, and configure tile-level dashboard alerts.
- Explain how to configure a shared or scheduled Look or dashboard.
- Discuss how to choose options that are appropriate for a given situation or business case.
- Identify the options to schedule a tile-level dashboard alert.
- 1 quiz