Detailed Course Outline
Module 1: SteelFusion Overview Review
- Connecting to an iSCSI Storage Array
- Pinning and Prepopulating LUNS
Module 2: SteelFusion (SFED) Hardware
- Enhancements of SteelFusion Edge xx00 series
- Installation process
- Architectural Differences
Module 3: Snapshot Scheduler
- Using the Snapshot Scheduler
- LUN Snapshot Rollback
Module 4: Backup and Restore
- Backing up ESXi VMs with Snapshots using VADP
- Branch Server File Level Restores with VSS
Module 5: Branch Provisioning and Recovery
- Replacing a SteelFusion Edge
Module 6: High Availability
- VMware High Availability (HA)
- SteelFusion Failover and Failback
- Recovering a High Availability Core
- Managing Multiple Core Appliances with Pools
Module 7: FusionSync
- What is it and why use it?
- Setup and Configuration
- Correlation of FusionSync and Core HA
- Replacing a FusionSync