Detailed Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to E-Series and EF-Series Storage
- E-Series and EF-Series storage products
- Data-protection features
- NetApp SANtricity Storage Manager functionality
- Available plug-ins, APIs and providers
Module 2: E-Series and EF-Series Functionality
- Configuration and theory of operation concepts
- Controller cache and battery functionality
- Data Assurance (DA) feature functionality
- Media scan functionality
- Drive security feature implementation
- Path-management concepts
Module 3: configuration Concepts and Initial Setup
- Storage system configuration tools and resources
- NetApp SANtricity simulator functionality and usage
- Host-side configuration concepts
- Disk-side configuration concepts
- General disk pool and volume group configuration concepts
- Storage system initial setup steps
Module 4: Volume Group Administration
- Volume group concepts
- Create volume groups and volumes
- General volume group system administration tasks
- Manage volume group disks
Module 5: Dynamic Disk Pool Administration
- Disk pool concepts
- Create disk pools and volumes
- Disk pool system administration tasks
- Manage disk pool disks
Module 6: SSD Cache Administration
- SSD Cache concepts
- Create a solid-state drive (SSD) cache
- Assign and unassign an SSD cache
- SSD cache administration
Module 7: Snapshot Administration
- SANtricity Snapshot features
- SANtricity Snapshot image administrative tasks
- Initiate the Snapshot process
- Snapshot volume administration
- Snapshot consistency group administration
Module 8: Volume Copy Administration
- Volume copy function
- Volume copy administration
- Volume copy work flow steps
Module 9: Mirroring Administration
- Mirroring technology
- Use cases
- Synchronous mirroring features
- Synchronous mirroring administration
- Asynchronous mirroring features
- Asynchronous mirroring administration
- SANtricity feature considerations
Module 10: Data Collection and Monitoring
- Data collection and monitoring resources
- Storage array component information
- AutoSupport feature configuration
- Storage array operability and state files
- Performance metrics for different objects
Module 11: General Administrative Tasks
- General tasks
- Alerts management
- Storage array, controller and drive tasks
- Managing upgrades
- Installing SANtricity storage manager software
- Adding a storage array to the EMW management domain
- Exploring system manager
- Exploring E-Series and EF-Series information resources
- Install the SANtricity simulator
- Using the Setup Wizard to configure the storage array
- Creating volume group configurations
- Managing volumes in volume groups
- Managing hot spares
- Creating volume groups from the command line
- Deleting a volume group configuration
- Creating disk pool configurations
- Managing volumes in disk pools
- Managing failed drives
- Using the command line to create disk pools
- Creating and SSD cache drive
- Creating and preparing disk pool volumes for I/O
- Creating a Snapshot environment
- Rolling back a file system
- Creating a Snapshot volume
- Mounting and accessing a Snapshot volume
- Perform an online volume copy operation
- Perform an offline volume copy operation
- Creating a mirroring environment
- Creating a synchronous mirror relationship
- Creating an asynchronous mirror relationship
- Data collection
- Taking a controller offline for servicing
- Upgrading a storage array