AI+ Security (AISEC) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cyber Security

  • 1.1 Understanding the Cyber Security Artificial Intelligence (CSAI)
  • 1.2 An Introduction to AI and its Applications in Cybersecurity
  • 1.3 Overview of Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • 1.4 Identifying and Mitigating Risks in Real-Life
  • 1.5 Building a Resilient and Adaptive Security Infrastructure
  • 1.6 Enhancing Digital Defenses using CSAI

Module 2: Python Programming for AI and Cybersecurity Professionals

  • 2.1 Python Programming Language and its Relevance in Cybersecurity
  • 2.2 Python Programming Language and Cybersecurity Applications
  • 2.3 AI Scripting for Automation in Cybersecurity Tasks
  • 2.4 Data Analysis and Manipulation Using Python
  • 2.5 Developing Security Tools with Python

Module 3: Application of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

  • 3.1 Understanding the Application of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
  • 3.2 Anomaly Detection to Behaviour Analysis
  • 3.3 Dynamic and Proactive Defense using Machine Learning
  • 3.4 Safeguarding Sensitive Data and Systems Against Diverse Cyber Threats

Module 4: Detection of Email Threats with AI

  • 4.1 Utilizing Machine Learning for Email Threat Detection
  • 4.2 Analyzing Patterns and Flagging Malicious Content
  • 4.3 Enhancing Phishing Detection with AI
  • 4.4 Autonomous Identification and Thwarting of Email Threats
  • 4.5 Tools and Technology for Implementing AI in Email Security

Module 5: AI Algorithm for Malware Threat Detection

  • 5.1 Introduction to AI Algorithm for Malware Threat Detection
  • 5.2 Employing Advanced Algorithms and AI in Malware Threat Detection
  • 5.3 Identifying, Analyzing, and Mitigating Malicious Software
  • 5.4 Safeguarding Systems, Networks, and Data in Real-time
  • 5.5 Bolstering Cybersecurity Measures Against Malware Threats
  • 5.6 Tools and Technology: Python, Malware Analysis Tools

Module 6: Network Anomaly Detection using AI

  • 6.1 Utilizing Machine Learning to Identify Unusual Patterns in Network Traffic
  • 6.2 Enhancing Cybersecurity and Fortifying Network Defenses with AI Techniques
  • 6.3 Implementing Network Anomaly Detection Techniques

Module 7: User Authentication Security with AI

  • 7.1 Introduction
  • 7.2 Enhancing User Authentication with AI Techniques
  • 7.3 Introducing Biometric Recognition, Anomaly Detection, and Behavioural Analysis
  • 7.4 Providing a Robust Defence Against Unauthorized Access
  • 7.5 Ensuring a Seamless Yet Secure User Experience
  • 7.6 Tools and Technology: AI-based Authentication Platforms
  • 7.7 Conclusion

Module 8: Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for Cyber Security

  • 8.1 Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in Cybersecurity
  • 8.2 Creating Realistic Mock Threats to Fortify Systems
  • 8.3 Detecting Vulnerabilities and Refining Security Measures Using GANs
  • 8.4 Tools and Technology: Python and GAN Frameworks

Module 9: Penetration Testing with Artificial Intelligence

  • 9.1 Enhancing Efficiency in Identifying Vulnerabilities Using AI
  • 9.2 Automating Threat Detection and Adapting to Evolving Attack Patterns
  • 9.3 Strengthening Organizations Against Cyber Threats Using AI-driven Penetration Testing
  • 9.4 Tools and Technology: Penetration Testing Tools, AI-based Vulnerability Scanners

Module 10: Capstone Project

  • 10.1 Introduction
  • 10.2 Use Cases: AI in Cybersecurity
  • 10.3 Outcome Presentation