AI+ Product Manager (AIPRM) – Outline

Detailed Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Product Managers

  • 1.1 Understanding the Basics of artificial intelligence
  • 1.2 Importance of AI

Module 2: Fundamentals of Machine Learning

  • 2.1 Introduction to Machine Learning
  • 2.2 Data Preparation in ML model

Module 3: AI Product Development Lifecycle

  • 3.1 Exploring How AI Can Be Leveraged in Ideation and Conceptualization
  • 3.2 Prototyping and Testing: Explore Methods for Prototyping and Testing AI-driven Products Effectively

Module 4: AI Ethics and Bias

  • 4.1 Understanding Ethical Considerations: Examine the Ethical Implications of AI Products and the Responsibility of Product Managers
  • 4.2 Mitigating Bias: Learn Strategies to Identify and Address Bias in AI Algorithms and Products

Module 5: AI Implementation Strategies

  • 5.1 Integration with Existing Products: Explore Methods for Integrating AI Features into Existing Products Seamlessly
  • 5.2 Stakeholder Management: Understand How to Communicate AI Initiatives Effectively with Stakeholders and Gain their Support

Module 6: AI Metrics and Performance Evaluation

  • 6.1 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify Relevant Metrics for Measuring the Success of AI-driven Products
  • 6.2 Performance Evaluation Techniques: Learn Methods for Evaluating the Performance of AI Models and Products

Module 7: AI Regulation and Compliance

  • 7.1 Regulatory Landscape: Explore Current Regulations and Frameworks Relevant to AI Products
  • 7.2 Compliance Strategies: Develop Strategies to Ensure AI Products Comply with Regulatory Requirements

Module 8: Future Trends in AI and Product Management

  • 8.1 Emerging Technologies: Discuss Upcoming Trends and Technologies Shaping the Future of AI and Product Management
  • 8.2 Strategic Planning: Learn How to Anticipate and Adapt to Future Changes in the AI Landscape to Drive Product Innovation