AI+ Project Manager (AIPPM)

The AI+ Project Manager TM certification programme is designed for Project Managers and IT professionals who are willing to have an expertise in understanding, applying, and integrating the concepts of artificial intelligence with real time development problems with the support of Intelligent Systems. An overview, along with usage as well as incorporation of various systems with artificial intelligence and its applications are demonstrated from basic level to advanced level, and a thorough investigation of AI ideas and model implementations are included in the vast curriculum. You will acquire useful knowledge about AI applications, algorithms and architectures which will culminate in an interactive project management process. You will be well positioned for success in the ever-changing AI+ integration landscape upon program completion, having gained the ability to design and implement AI applications in various multi-disciplined environments related to Project Management.

Upon successful completion of the AI+ Project Manager™ certification, participants will become proficient in the foundational aspects of artificial intelligence and its application in project management seamlessly. They will gain a detailed overview of understanding and overseeing AI workloads across multidisciplinary platforms. Additionally, participants will learn optimization techniques in project management within AI, implementing algorithms and best practices while adhering to compliance requirements. This certification will enable professionals to achieve a sought after credential, boosting their professional profile and demonstrating their capacity to provide practical solutions at the intersection of artificial intelligence and project management.


  • A foundational understanding of key concepts of basic mathematics and artificial intelligence.
  • Basic understanding of Computer Science concepts like programming, data structures and algorithms.
  • Fundamental knowledge of keywords of AI/ML
  • Willingness to engage in hands-on activities and workshops to apply AI concepts in project management scenarios.


  • Number of Questions: 50
  • Passing Score: 35/50 or 70%
  • Duration of Time: 90 Minutes
  • Format: Online via AI Proctoring program
  • Question Type: Multiple Choice/Multiple Response

Exam Overview:

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Project Management - 10%
  • AI Tools for Project Management - 15%
  • Data-Driven Decision Making - 10%
  • AI for Enhancing Team Collaboration and Productivity - 15%
  • Ethical Considerations and Bias in AI - 15%
  • Implementing AI in Projects - 25%
  • Future of AI in Project Management - 10%