Esquema Detallado del Curso
- General overview
- VOSS corporate and marketing position
- The VOSS product
- Insight into the VOSS customer base
- Review of VOSS business benefits
- Technical overview
- GUI basics
- Administration GUI structure
- Navigation logic and rules including quick search
- Transaction log
- What is a transaction log, and how to view it
Provider resource management
- Resource management – numbers
- Resource management – phones
Customer management
- Customer admin
- Feature groups
- What are feature groups and how to use them
- Customer advanced management
- Add / manage a customer, including advanced and preference settings and the functionality implications of the settings
- Customer services (e.g. vm)
- Add division / location
- Location advanced management
- Explain location management including location types (standard/linked locations)
- Setting location preferences affecting functionality
- Allocating resources to locations for use
Location Administration
- Number management – management of internal and external numbers, E164 inventory, adding numbers to locations, extension range management and internal number association
- Phone register – location level phone inventory
- Phone management – Part 1
- Phone management – Part 2
- Analog line management
- User basics
- Username considerations, adding end users, associating phones with users
- User extension mobility
- User services – Part 1
- User services – Part 2
- Groups
- Management of number groups, hunt groups, pick up groups, and call park
- Training on the self-service portal that allows end users to administer their user settings and features.
- Covers phone functions, extension mobility, and associated phone management, SNR, voicemail, and directories
General management tools
- System tools – admin
- System tools – connect location
- Devolved admin and profiles
- Branding and themes
- Automated processes
System and provider management
- Overview of the VOSS system management and global settings
- Overview of provider management
Network elements
- CUCM management – static configuration steps and management once set up
- Manage CUCM – Part 1
- Manage CUCM – Part 2
- EMCC – cross cluster extension mobility set up steps including options for partial settings
- SIP trunk management – Setup and configuration of SIP trunks, Route Groups, Route Lists and Route Patterns
- Manage – Presence and steps for getting CUPS to work with the VOSS system
- Manage VM/IVR server
- LDAP Integration
- System behavior and conditions when using LDAP Integrated CUCM and CUC
- Management of authentication server, including required changes of system services to support user self-service authentication via LDAP
- Contact center – how to define a contact center in the VOSS system and the functionality supported once set up
- Conference server – Integration and use of conference (e.g.
- WebEx) in the system
- Other supported network elements
System back end
- Command line interface functionality review
- Systems log review
- Data exports
Bulk loader
- Bulk loader principles and overview; strengths and weaknesses; how to use; how to follow