Migrating to the Cloud

As cloud adoption continues to grow, so will the demand for cloud skills and properly-trained professionals will capitalize on this demand. Specifically, experts in migrating from on-premise computing to cloud solutions will be in high demand as businesses seek to make the transition to cloud platforms. Professionals who have mastered these skills and are ready to help their companies transition to the cloud are critical to ensuring industry growth. But what if you’re not among the small group of currently knowledgeable cloud pros? Fortunately, getting the right education is easier than you think.

What you’ll learn:

  • Promises and challenges of cloud computing
  • Identifies some common migration patterns
  • Reviews the key phases of a cloud migration methodology
  • Examines the impact of cloud computing on IT roles

    CiscoIBMOracleAWSBarracudaBlue CoatCitrixGigamonITILMicrosoftNetAppRed HatrelayrVMware

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